shirt colours

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i'm an italian football fan and i'm interested at the origin of football teams

could you tell me about the origin of Austria Wien shirt?

why the club adopted its colours?



you'll find any information here: ;)

Austria Wien were founded in Vienna on March 12, 1911 as the Wiener Amateur Sportvereinigung by players and officials of the Vienna Cricket- and Football- Club taking violet and white as the new club's colours.

afaik there´s no special reason why they took violet as their club´s color in 1911.. we´re just violet :feier:

bearbeitet von HwG

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Ostblock? Geil!

Hi, and thanks for re-opening the Thread again!

The word "Austria" in the Clubname was chosen because it was a commitment to a independent austrian state. Also, there is no Flag of a country containig the color "violet".

Sorry for my bad english.. :)


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