nick hornby in wien


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keep on spechtling!

kann ihn bitte irgend jemand der hingeht fragen wie man als stinknormaler österreicher zu karten für ein arsenalheimspiel kommt? womöglich noch bevor das letzte spiel in highbury stattfindet?? (absolut ernst gemeinte frage)

das buch kann ich übrigens nur jedem empfehlen, ist absolut unterhaltsam...

ausschnitt gefällig?

"my own feeling about JJ, without knowing anything about him, was that he might have been a gay person, because he had long hair ans spoke American. A lot of Americans are gay people, aren't they? I know they didn't invent gayness, because they say that was the Greeks. But they helped bring it back into fashion. Being gay was a bit like the Olympics: it disappeared in ancient times, and then they brought it back in the twentieth century. Anyway, I didn't know anything about gays, so I just presumed they were all unhappy..."

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