Rush, Ian bald Wales Trainer ?

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  Wales ask Chester for talks with Rush

Michael Walker

Saturday October 30, 2004

The Guardian

The Football Association of Wales has asked Chester City for permission to speak to Ian Rush about the vacant manager's job with Wales, but this is a courtesy rather than a sign that the former Liverpool player is to be offered the job.

The FAW met on Thursday to draw up a shortlist and Rush is clearly on it. He has impressed with his work with Wales's Under-17s, but figures such as John Toshack, Brian Flynn and Gérard Houllier remain under consideration. The FAW is not expected to make an imminent appointment.

Chester's chairman Stephen Vaughan yesterday confirmed the approach to Rush: "I don't know whether he has been offered the job but we are not going to stand in his way."

Bubs Antonia Adams kann da jetzt wohl ein wenig kacken gehen als Trainer von Wycombe, denn wenn der einzigartigste, schnauzbärtigste und fantastischste aller Waliser, Ian Rush Trainer von Wales wird, dürfte die Hansi Truppe wohl ohne Punkte bleiben im nächsten Jahr. :love:

bearbeitet von ianrush

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