Malaga will Diouf

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Im ASB-Olymp

Malaga Negotiating For Diouf

Malaga’s officials are still in Liverpool following the transfer of defender Josemi to Anfield Road as they are trying to work out a loan deal for Senegalese striker El Hadji Diouf.

Manager Rafa Benitez is trying to offload the striker, as he hasn’t even given Diouf a number for the upcoming season.

The major stumbling block in the negotiations is Diouf’s high salary and who will cover it for the upcoming season. Malaga is willing pay up to 40% of Diouf 1.5 million euro salary, an offer Liverpool may refuse.

Malaga is in dire need of a striker and may have to heighten their offer after talks with Marseille over Egyptian Mido have fallen through.

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