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Wind blows amateur into record books

Marc Burrows has scored what is believed to be the fastest goal in footballing history during an amateur match in Hampshire.

The Cowes Sports FC striker took advantage of blustery conditions to fire home straight from the kick-off against Eastleigh FC, and now looks set to earn a place in the Guinness Book of Records.

Referee John Sorrell timed the goal at 2.3 seconds - beating the previous record of three seconds - and pending his report validating the strike, the FA have confirmed that Burrows' strike will be viewed as the new bench-mark.

Burrows was passed the ball straight from kick-off, saw the keeper off his line, and decided to test his luck.

"The wind was so strong I just thought it was worth a go," the Times newspaper reports him as saying.

"I was so stunned I didn't really celebrate. I just put my arms in the air and burst out laughing.

"I have tried something similar once or twice but it normally goes out for a throw in and I feel like a right prat."

Cowes went on to win the Sydenhams Wessex League Combination game 5-3 and Burrows completed a hat-trick.

ned schlecht der junge, schneller geht wohl kaum. ist ja fast wie beim eishockey.

bearbeitet von 3lions

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