Searching for an international (English speaking) football club at amateur level in Vienna?

der Wikinger

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I have recently moved from Sweden, and I am newly settled in Vienna, and Austria. I am living in Vienna permanently as we speak. As I am a big football fan, I am searching for an amateur club in Vienna that would allow me to start playing and training with them. What is important to me is an international atmosphere, e.g. an English speaking club, since I am a non-German speaker myself (as for now, it is a work in progress). I am merely looking for a club that get together for the fun of it, and nothing too competitive. I want to play football as a hobby, and not build my career around it.

Some information about me: male, 24 years, as of now Viennese. 

What I am asking from you are tips of clubs that fulfill my requirements. Could you please help a fellow international out?


The Swede

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der Wikinger schrieb vor einer Stunde:


I have recently moved from Sweden, and I am newly settled in Vienna, and Austria. I am living in Vienna permanently as we speak. As I am a big football fan, I am searching for an amateur club in Vienna that would allow me to start playing and training with them. What is important to me is an international atmosphere, e.g. an English speaking club, since I am a non-German speaker myself (as for now, it is a work in progress). I am merely looking for a club that get together for the fun of it, and nothing too competitive. I want to play football as a hobby, and not build my career around it.

Some information about me: male, 24 years, as of now Viennese. 

What I am asking from you are tips of clubs that fulfill my requirements. Could you please help a fellow international out?


The Swede


That Team will fullfill your requirements ;)

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