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hey. my name's steve. i live in winnipeg/manitoba and i'm goin to see the soccer game between canada and austria.

so i just wanted to know if you know what i can see in vienna? and also, are the olympic games close by? it would be awesome if there is a chance for me to watch the olympic ice hockey final.

also, i don't know where the soccer stadium is, and i was wondering if you could help me?

i´m now in bruxelles due a layover so i have the chance to surf the internet in my hotel...

best wishes from canada,


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Hi Stephen !

First of all, I have to move your thread to the "Länderspiele"-channel, where every discussions about national teams take place.

Olympia 2006 is about nine hours by car away. And I don't think that you have a realistic chance to watch the olympic ice hockey final. Could be kind of expensive ;)

You could stay in Austria until next weekend, because after Austria-Canada the next game on the fixture list is the derby of Vienna, where Rapid faces Austria - the hottest game in Austria, 20000 - 25000 supporters expected.

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