Fanproteste gg. Bowyer...

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Tell him he's dreaming

Die am Freitag, den 28.3., erscheinende Ausgabe des »ballesterer fm« berichtet über die Fan-Proteste, die der Wechsel von Lee Bowyer zu West Ham United ausgelöst hat. Bowyer wird auf Grund vergangener Vorkommnisse eine rassistische Einstellung vorgeworfen. Der englische Internationale soll im Jänner 2000 in Leeds gemeinsam mit Freunden und seinem damaligen Teamkollegen Jonathan Woodgate den indischen Studenten Sarfraz Najeib verprügelt haben. Im Prozess wurde Bowyer überraschend freigesprochen. Die Gruppe »West Ham Fans United Against Racism« (WHFUAR) hat nach seinem Transfer folgende Resolution zur Unterschrift aufgelegt:

»As West Ham fans, councillors, trades unionists, and local residents, we love football and hate racism. We are deeply proud of the community and anti-racist traditions of the club, which are supported by the vast majority of fans. Our club was one of the first leading clubs to have black players in our team and has shown a firm commitment to kick racism out of football.

We want our club to be open and welcoming to players, officials and fans from all sections of the community - white, black and Asian.

We are therefore saddened and concerned that Lee Bowyer has been signed by West Ham without him making a long-term commitment to the club or to its anti-racist stance. We are concerned at the impact this is already having on our multi-racial community. We do not want to see black and Asian fans feeling uncomfortable in our ground or our club being seen as a focus for racists.

We feel that both urgent and long-term action needs to be taken by the club to protect its traditions and ensure unity and harmony at the ground and in the local community.

We therefore ask for the following:

- That West Ham reaffirms its anti-racist policy at all levels and takes steps to publicise its commitment to the community to all its supporters through the press and in a clear statement in match programmes. This

commitment must be real and long-term.

That Lee Bowyer, alongside his teammates, manager and officials, makes clear his commitment to the values of the club by endorsing this anti-racist policy. As a start, he and others in the club should actively support and participate in the Show Racism the Red Card event to be held at the club in March.«

Signed by:

»West Ham Fans United Against Racism


Vielleicht intressierts ja jemanden hier. Ich persönlich will dazu keine Stellung beziehen, da ich den Lee Bowyer nicht gut genug kenne um diese Proteste für berechtigt oder unberechtigt halten zu können.

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C'mon you Irons!

Ich als Hammer's Fan kann die Proteste nur all zu gut verstehen... damals gabs nen riesigen Skandal um Bowyer und Co. in der britischen Boulevardpresse und angeblich konnten nur "wenige" den Freispruch verstehen... zugegebenernaßen bin ich kein Fan von Bowyer und weiß auch nichts über die genaue Sachlage von damals - nur froh war ich über den Wechsel an den Rand von London nicht wirklich :winke:

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