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Wir leben LASK

:D Ich war am Donnerstag chinesisch essen im Linzer China-Restaurant "Taiwan" - mit neuem Buffet-Angebot, das natürlich auf Teufel komm heraus beworben wird.... zweisprachig ( :laugh: ). Ich möchte euch nun die Englische Übersetzung hier niederschreiben, zum genießen :) !

Very honoured guest!

We are very pleased about your attendance in for over 20 years (1982) the existing restaurant "TAIWAN" and are called your cordial welcome!

Restaurant we converted a part our into a grill restaurant for "East Asian grill specialities". Also the all inclusive price model, feeding and beverages contained are new. This innovation brings also new Presentation- and Paymentsystem with itself.

We would like to make you familiar thereby:

The beverages are served due to your order by the waiter.

In the blanket rate are open Beer, Wine, Sparkling Wine, as well as alcohol-free beverages, Tea and coffee in unlimited quantity contain. Other (hard) alcoholic beverages are served to you against payment.

The meals take you please from the Buffett. As much and so often you would like!!

The marinierten meat and giving of piece of fish you ask our chief cook at the grill, it will prepare the selecting for you.

The Settings selects you best, after you your pieces of grill of the chief cook back-get.

Prices (per person):

Monday until Friday:

At noon: € 9,80

Of evening: € 12,80

Saturday, Sunday, Holiday: € 14,80

children under 1,40 m size pay the half prize

For companies -, Association and family meetings and celebrate offer we to you our extra rooms in different sizes. For the food organization with these before reserved celebrations we offer full flexibility to you.

(you can order small sausages for your celebration for example also)


Mein Tipp: Babelfish ? :D

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