vorsicht beim flugbuchen

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nachstehen ein bericht über einen newcarstle fan der sich bei der auswärtsfahrt ein wenig geirrt hat.

Spain in the neck

A Newcastle fan spent £800 on air fares to go and see his team in Europe, then realised he'd got the wrong city.

Here's where you should've gone

Dozy Anthony Crozier had got it into his head that the Magpies were playing Spanish side Real Mallorca in Malaga rather than Majorca.

So he went ahead and booked five air tickets for him and his mates, at a cost of £804.

When he realised his mistake, the 32-year-old engineer immediately contacted EasyJet, who sportingly refunded most of the money.

Sadly for Anthony, though, it was too late to book flights to Majorca for the game on 25 March.

"I don't know how I made the mistake," he groaned after breaking the news to his mates.

One friend, Tony Johnstone, added: "Tony has been on a diet recently - I think it's affected his brain!"

also bitte vorsicht. nicht statt nach linz nach lienz fahren*g*

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Wir sind M&N. Gibt es sonst noch Fragen?
was gibt´s in lienz?

Ein e zu viel ;)

Nach Lainz sollte man sich auch nicht verirren, sonst wird man am ende noch ins Sanatorium gesteckt auf der Auswärtsfahrt ;)

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