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Hello Austrian Football Community,

Some of you already may know about Erepublik, for those who don't know, it's an online strategy game which you join your country and fight against other countries with your allies. Currently eAustria is a very small community there with real life and non-rl Austrians, but thanks to our diplomacy skills^^, we are larger than Germany and even holding a region from Czech Republic.


According to agreement with Slovak&Czech Union, we got Southern Bohemia and gave them Burgenland+Styria so both countries have +1 bonus. (The pink coloured area is Poland and the light green part is Germany.)

So, since we are holding Southern Bohemia we need to fight against Czech resistances there everyday. We've never lost a war so far but we really need some more help to keep the region.

I invite all people here to join us, and please do it from my reference link below^^

Click Here To Join

In this case we both will be earning more gold, and I'll make you any kind of help you need in the game.

Also you can always join our community on IRC, from #austria on

All have a nice day there ;)


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