Tausche: Austria Salzburg Spielertrikot 1996


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Entschuldigungen für meinen Englisch, verstehe Deutsch aber spreche es nicht sehr gut)

Good evening collectors.

I am swapping an old shirt of Gehrard Struber. I obtained the shirt via an acquaintance of the Anderlecht kit manager, but it was not worn against Anderlecht, not even in that season (it's an older design, I think from 1996). It was a gift from an Austria official.

Pictures: http://foto.zita.be/2815474205

Note the note "12E" on the collar tag, in my opinion referring to the number of the player on the back; so when they were folded, they knew which number was on the back.

If anyone's interested in swapping, let me know (via email or private message). I'm after shirts of FC Brugge, but will consider shirts of other Belgian teams.

All the best!

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