Hans Krankl - shirt FC Barcelona 1979


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post-21798-1208002933_thumb.jpgpost-21798-1208002945_thumb.jpgpost-21798-1208002956_thumb.jpgpost-21798-1208002969_thumb.jpgDear Austrian Soccer-fans,

You have all an unique opportunity to buy a legendary shirt of the best Austrian player ever, Hans Krankl !

This shirt was worn by Hans Krankl in the match between SK Beveren and FC Barcelona in the semi-finales of the Europacup II in 1979. The opponent of Hans Krankl during the 2 games, Belgian defender Freddy Buyl, has donated this shirt for the benefit of his former club SK Beveren (to save them from bankruptcy).

You can find this shirt on the following link:

Click here to see the shirt !

Don't miss this unique opportunity and try to obtain this fantistic shirt !

Please don't consider this message as a commercial, it is just for the benefit of our football-club, to save it from bankruptcy. Therefor the supporters are organizing several fund-raising actions. One of them is an auction with all legendary & memorable soccer-items.

Click here to see all the items of our auction !

bearbeitet von KSKBolé

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ich glaube kaum das die versteigerung des hans krankl - shirt den sk beveren vor den finanziellen ruin retten kann.

echt schade das der club so finanzielle schwierigkeiten hat.

anfang der 80er jahre war er in aller munde, seine glanzzeit sozusagen!

ich wünsche beveren viel glück.

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