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  1. Yoros

    Das ist der FC Brügge !

    Indeed, the Belgian papers say Vanaudenaerde wil move to the right side of the defense (his natural position) and that Blondel (normaly attacking midfielder but left footed) wil get his chanche on te left back. Good luck this evening!
  2. Thanks folks. In Belgium the media were very surprised when Lawaree did so well in Austria. And something you may be interested in: Club Brugge - SK Lokeren: 0-1
  3. Ok, thanks for the information, in Belgium you don't hear much about Austrian football. Good luck in the champions league!
  4. They say Balaban had a minor injury, but the truth is that he is out of form (altough he is nearly the only one of Brugge who scores goals) and that the coach wanted to try something else. Portillio had also a minor injury because of bad shoes.
  5. Hello Wien fans, I'm a Belgian fan who wants to know more about the form of Axel Lawaree, how is he doing lately? And, I can say you, Rapid is capable of winning against Club Brugge, their team is playing very badly, and they have lots of injuries. Sorry about the English, I can't write decent German. Cheers, Yoros