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  1. Hey everyone, my name is Artur and I am new to Vienna, don't speak German well yet. Would love to continue playing amateur football (11x11 preferably), so I am searching for a team to join : ) I'm looking for a more or less competitive team with regular practices (twice a week ideally) with a coach that knows what he's doing ; ) It would be great if there is an opportunity to communicate in English, although my German is currently work in progress and hopefully I will be able to speak soon. During my internship in Germany I played for a team that didn't speak any English, and even though we somehow managed, being able to communicate efficiently on the field is of course a key to a good game : ) I'm nowhere near professional football level, but in the same time I played football more or less regularly since I was a kid (31 now), so I have a good idea about how to play in a team in most positions. I am most comfortable as central defensive midfielder or left wing (Im left footed), and depending on the strength of the team I can cover most other positions (not goalie, though). If this is the wrong place to search for a team, please direct me : ) I am reachable via email artiefinnigan at g mail or just whatsapp / telegram + 49 1522 1391518
  2. Hey everyone! My name is Artur, just came to study PhD here in Vienna. I would love to continue playing amateur football, so I am searching for a team. What I am searching for is regular practices (ideally with a coach that knows what he's doing ). I know a bit about how to play football properly in terms of tactics and team composition - at least on the amateur level. So I would like to play more or less competitive, but probably not on the the highest amateur level (I've played in Kreisliga A during my stay in Bremen, Germany) It would be awesome if anyone let me know how should I best proceed with searching for a team. Cheers! Artur