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  1. kEy21


    Thanks to everyone for the answers! I used to support Salernitana and he was playing for that team. When I went to the stadium to see some matches, he played really well and became my favourite player. After he quit Salernitana, I "followed" his career mainly through the net, in his bad (Leukaemia) and good moments (Best player of Gambrinus Liga, Top assist-man in UEFA cup etc..). When he was in Sparta Praha, he made an on-line interview for fans, and I was the only non-czech that asked him questions in Italian. He was nice enough to answer my questions and translate them for others! He still is my favourite player, and luckily enough I can still see him in actions on laola1 in the highlights of the matches! I'd love to come and see some matches but unluckily it's hard to combine with my work and soccer (low level) schedule. Hopefully I'll be able to come at least to one! P.S. By the way, if anyone wants, I created a little fan-group for him on Facebook: I didn't upload pictures yet, because I couldn't find the time, But I will when I'll be on holidays. Sorry if in the pic he is with the Wacker Tirol t-shirt, but there is his autograph on that pic, that's why I chose that one!
  2. kEy21


    Hello everyone, I am an italian fan of Vaclav Kolousek, and I abitually support his teams, check the results and watch the videos on I noticed that he stopped playing from a while, at first I assumed he was injured, but it seems that he still isn't playing, so I'm wondering what happened. I tried to read news etc, but I don't understand german very well, and therefore I have no clue about what is going on. If someone could enlight me I'd be very happy! Thanks!