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tepy75's Achievements

  1. Thank you for all of you... If you have any further additional info in the future please tell me that. Cheers Tepy
  2. could anyone please to translate the ticket info to English here? Thanks a lot
  3. It's been announced on official LFC site. We'll be coming to town... "The Reds will kick off their summer friendlies with a match against FC St Gallen in Switzerland on July 15, before crossing the border into Austria to take on Rapid Vienna on July 19." There will be a normal window sale as I know. Will be there any limitations (e.g. x tickets to each purchaser, etc)? I'm waiting for the ticket info (it will come probably this Friday). see you there
  4. Hi, First of all sorry for the lack of German knowledge. I'm strongly interested in some tickets to Rapid-Liverpool match. If you have any ticket info please share with me at [email protected] Thanks alot Cheers Tepy