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Fußball, Hobbies, Allerlei

  • Lieblingsverein
    Excelsior Rotterdam

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  1. stille

    Robin Nelisse zu Rapid?

    In the Duch newspapers from today the assistent-trainer of Utrecht, John van Loen, said that he must stay till the end of the season. At the moment Utrecht is playing very good and they want to play in Europe next year.
  2. stille

    Robin Nelisse zu Rapid?

    I just read that Nelisse will stay until the end of the season. The don´t want him to go at this moment. Only clubs who pay a lot of money have the chance to get him. So I guess earliest at the end of the season there is a chance for Rapid
  3. stille

    Robin Nelisse zu Rapid?

    I just send an e-mail to Robin with only goods things of Rapid. Let's hope it will succeed!
  4. stille

    Robin Nelisse zu Rapid?

    There a more Rapid fans in Holland. When we played at Anderlecht there were about 25 from Holland. The Rapid fans are great, such a support we don't have in Holland. But about the 400.000 euros: somebody put that on a website. I guess he earns about 300.000 maximum. Let's hope Rapid can catch him.
  5. stille

    Robin Nelisse zu Rapid?

    Hi there, I am a big fan of Rapid and visit your beautiful club 3 times a year. I am from Holland and I know Robin Nelisse very good. He is a good striker, very strong, good length and is a really good goal scorer. I hope Robin will sign for Rapid. I was at the match against Excelsior ( I am a Excelsior fan) and Robin was the best player on the pitch and got a big applausse from the 20000 Utrecht fans when he was subsituted a few minutes before teh end of the game. In Holland the news is on all internet football pages. Robin eans about 400.000 euro a year so I hope Rapid can pay a little more otherwise I guess he will stay in Utrecht.